The beautiful Fall weather's here, it's time to get busy! Well, I'm busy. I'm giving the final strokes to the mudroom built, you can check the latest update right here. Then, I need to paint the garage floor and build a workbench. Oh and I'm also pushing really hard to bring a deck addition to our backyard. 🤞
Yes, Autumn is almost here and those are my big plans for it, how about yours?

Well, friends, our Home & Decor Encore edition is here to give you lots of Autumn inspiration to get busy enjoying the season ahead.
We have five easy Autumn projects for your home, each of them easy enough to be completed during a weekend.
Big thanks to Doreen from Hymns & Verses and Lori from The Stonybrook House for all their hard work to put together these series.
Check them out!

Have a wonderful weekend!! 🍂
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