I haven't!🤦
I've been too busy to go down into the basement to unpack last year's patriotic decor. Ha, that's something I need to do today because we're celebrating the 4th at home. We're having a family reunion with my SIL and two friends.
A few simple touches of red, white and blue and of course flags it's all that's needed.
One of the easiest ways to decorate for any holiday is using paper. If you have a printer, you can download this set of 4th of July printables to display in a frame.
You can also print the flags to create these easy Mason jar luminaries.
We will most likely be using paper plates and setting a cute table with them. They sure make things easy and fun!
Welcome to Home & Decor Encore where my blogging friends and I are sharing the best of the best from our archives.
Big thanks to Doreen at Hymns & Verses and Lori at The Stonybrook House for organizing this group.
In today's post, Doreen has a tutorial for you to create a beautiful wooden American flag, Lori turns a Dollar Tree pizza pan into a very useful and pretty tray, Laura tells you how to set a beautiful summer dinner table, and Christy gives you all the details on how to create fabric art, and I'm repurposing old Pringle cans into patriotic windsocks.
Click the link above each picture to take you to the tutorial!

Wishing you a wonderful Fourth of July my friends! ✨
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