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Easy Halloween Decor - Dec-O-Ween Blog Hop

Hello there!

I'm so excited to be kicking off this fun Dec-O-Ween blog hop put together by Gretchen from Boxy Colonial. We're joining some other amazing bloggers to show you how to decorate for Halloween in our homes.

Today you get to peek at my EASY Halloween decor, and then you can head and visit 10 more homes to see their spooktacular decorations! :)

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Halloween decor has been inversely proportional to my kid's growth. It used to be big and bold when they were little, but lately, I usually arrange a vignette, maybe a mantel display, or a wreath, and that's it.

Not that I like it this way, I'm a decorator at heart, and Halloween is a good excuse to play with all those spooky things I've been collecting throughout the years.

Halloween decor - Dec-o-Ween

The dollar spot at Target gave me the perfect idea for my display: "A potions center". 
The " Just a Little Hocus Pocus - Double Double Toil & Trouble" Hat, spiders, letters and spider web were a three-dollar set.

Halloween decor -

The decals were placed on that chippy vintage door that I used as a background, and it was a perfect match!
Potions halloween decor

Most of the other Halloween decor I already had from previous years. The bottles are flea market finds.
Potions Halloween decor

The pail is now holding a pumpkin, but that needs to be replaced with candies as Halloween gets closer.
Potions halloween decor

Eyeballs, pumpkins, crows, and a little bit of witchy brew for special hexes...
Potions Halloween decor

And, a little caddie holding those magic powders, concoctions, and elixirs to make the potions.
Potions Halloween decor

Hey, we just need a good imagination! ;)
Potions Halloween decor

Now tell me how do you decorate for Halloween? Do you go all out or keep it simple?!

Ha, whatever your style, I think you're going to have some pretty good ideas because there's still so much to see from my blogging friends! 

Your next stop: A Designer At Home, where Corinna can't wait to show you her take on Halloween decor!
Don't forget to stop by tomorrow and all week long for more Halloween inspiration, >> >> >>

Tuesday, Oct. 11
Remodelando la Casa (You're here!)

Wednesday, Oct. 12

Thursday, Oct.13

Friday, Oct. 14

Enjoy what you read today?



  1. potions center--love it! What a fun way to use that little cabinet! And I think your Target has a better dollar section than mine this year...I didn't see the witch's hat at mine, or I'm pretty sure I would have snapped it up--so cute :) Thanks so much for joining in!

    1. Thanks Gretchen! Target did have lots of fun Halloween stuff. Thanks for organizing this fun blog hop. :)

  2. This is so awesome! Love the potions center.

  3. this looks so great! gotta love that dollar bin at target! :)

    1. Yeah Madison, I also love it! Well, the only thing I'm not loving is that nowadays is more like three and five dollar bin. Still, great stuff!

  4. This is adorable. I love it. What a fun display.

  5. this vignette is SOOO fun! love the black and white and whimsy!

    1. Thanks Cassie! My son is the one having lots of fun with it, specially with the sticky eyeballs! :)

  6. This is TOO COOL! I love the look of the entire piece, but I especially love the backdrop with the decals. Such a great display.

    1. Ha, thanks Kim! That's my favorite part. That old door kind of speaks Halloween language! :)

  7. I saw this on instagram and instantly thought of the word, FUN! I love the consistency in theme and color. Awesome!

  8. This is really cool -- and it would be GREAT for a party/drink station!

  9. Oh my goodness that's the coolest Halloween vignette concept I've ever seen. I adore it.

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