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DIY - Rustic Wheelbarrow - DIH Workshop & Virtual Party

This post is sponsored by The Home Depot

A little wooden wheelbarrow is a perfect Fall porch décor.  You can fill it to the brim with pumpkins, pinecones and all those pretty seasonal decorations. Oh, it just says FALL!

Today you're in luck because I have 25 different wheelbarrow building options for you to choose from.

Yes. Isn't that awesome?!

*This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
front porch with blue door and shutters, mums, red berry wreath, pinecoens

At the end of this post you'll find all the links to the rustic wheelbarrow projects that my friends created.
For now, let me tell you how I created mine.

This is one of the many workshops the Home Depot offers at all of their locations nationwide.
The picture below is the regular wheelbarrow that's usually created during the workshop.

However, for me and my blogging friends, it was the inspiration for us to build it with our own twist.

front porch decorated for Fall with wooden wheelbarrow

I headed to the Home Depot to get my supplies:

wood necessary to create a wheelbarrow - complete instructions

While there at HD, I also spotted these gorgeous barn wood grey shiplap planks and fell in love with them, so much so that it was the starting point to where I wanted to go with the wheelbarrow -->

A vintage looking wheelbarrow.

wood, wood working, planks, shiplap

This is a simple project that you can make your own by how much detail you add to it.

The materials were cut to size. 

I used a jig saw to cut the wheel and to give it some spokes.
The handles were giving a nice design using the jig saw and lots of sanding.

how to make a wheelbarrow.
Ryobi Jig Saw |

My vintage looking wheelbarrow called for a straight frame, so I added two 11" x 2 x 2 -connecting the balusters.
The wooden crate was attached to those two extra pieces of wood.
balusters, Ryobi tools, wooden crate
Ryobi Drill |

Then, the grey shiplap was cut to size to cover the front and sides of the crate.

The legs were added to the inside of the balusters.

Ryobi nailer, Ryobi tools in action
Grey Shiplap | Ryobi AirStrike Brad Nailer |

For the wheel axle I repurposed a loooong screw that I had from when I disassembled a big wire reel. I love how rusty and old it looks. The round thingies or metal plates were also a part of the reel.

The axle was held in place from the underside of the baluster with metal clamps.
rusty accessories for a wheelbarrow

The final details were all given the rusty treatment with Rust-Oleum textured Autumn brown spray paint.

Long metal air vent holders (remnant pieces left by the installers) were used for extra charm.
A door sweep created the perfect flat rubber tire for the wheel.
Copper tube straps were molded to create the metal clamps old wheelbarrows have.

Oh, by the way, the other parts of the wheelbarrow, balusters and legs, were also painted grey. The Home Depot matches the color of the shiplap.

door sweep, wooden wheel, vent holders, copper tube clips

And here you have it, my vintage looking wheelbarrow. 

I love it!
front porch decorated with rustic wheelbarrow

Look at that wheel! 😍
Do It Herself Workshop - how to

Of course, I had to give it an old logo too. I used this one HERE, but I only used part of it.

how to make a wheel

The flat tire was the perfect size and it even came with one sticky band all along it.
The wheel stoppers or what keeps the wheel in place are hard plastic screw spacers I had in my stash.

shiplap grey planks

The back part was given the round treatment and pieces of 1 x 2's were also added to connect the planks.

front porch decor, fall accessories for porch decor

It was filled to the brim with Fall goodies and brought to the porch to greet visitors.

BLUE door, pine cone display, mums, pumpkins

How to build a decorative vintage looking wheelbarrow - Cute Wheelbarrow Fall decor

*I acknowledge that The Home Depot is partnering with me to participate in this Workshops Program. As a part of the Program, I am receiving compensation in the form of products and services, for the purpose of promoting The Home Depot. All expressed opinions and experiences are my own words. My post complies with the Word Of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) Ethics Code and applicable Federal Trade Commision guidelines.*

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  1. This looks awesome. I love the wheel and the old logo - and the grey is really a great look for this piece.

    1. Thanks Kim! The grey shiplap totally made this project! I'm already thinking where else to use those planks.

  2. Cristiana I am in LOVE with your rustic metal charm you added to this awesome wheelbarrow! It is total perfection, seriously my fave.

    1. Oh Mindi, I was going to town giving everything the rusty look with that spray paint. It really looks like rust and it's textured! Thanks for your sweet words my friend. :)

  3. I absolutely love it! It looks very professionally done.

  4. This turned out amazing! I love everything you did with it... color, the added copper ~ seriously everything!

  5. Oh my gosh - every little detail of this one looks SO good! That wheel...the grey siding...the cute little logo...SOOO good, my friend!

  6. I love this so much! That grey shiplap with the orange leaves... ah, perfection! Every detail! xox

  7. Wheelbarrow perfection! i saw that gray wood in HD and was thinking about using it because is was so pretty. As always your project is executed so well and your photos are gorgeous. thanks again for inviting me to the project . it was fun!

    1. Thank you Laura! Thanks for joining in - You killed this project with not only one, but two gorgeous versions! You already know which one is my fave. ;)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Debra! The color of the shiplap and its texture its awesome!

  9. You did a great job. I've been planning to make a wood wheelbarrow for a few years, but I'm on the lookout for a metal wheel. I like how you cut the spokes in yours. Is that your front porch... Lovely!!

    1. Well, if there's some one that can tackle this project from scratch, that's you! Those spokes were the ones that took me some more time to cut. All the rest was easy.
      Nope, that's not my front porch. One can only wish! :) I had to bring all those goodies to my friend and next door neighbor. She's a sweetie and I love her porch!

  10. Love it Cristina. The wheel and the rusty straps plus the logo...perfect.

  11. STOP IT!!! I can't stand it! Fall is my absolutely FAVORITE time of the year and all this fall decor is sending me into a tissy! I want to climb up into the attic and throw down all my pumpkins and wreaths but it is still 90 degrees here so I just can't! And I always decorate for fall the day before we leave to spend a week in the Colorado Aspens and I am too OCD to change my! Next week it is happening...I guess for now I will continue to enjoy your fall decor and stress about what color I am going to have the painter paint my house while we are gone. I have only had this wall paint color for 17 would think I would be up for a change...hum...not so much ;( Cristina, as always, your seasonal decor is inspiring!!! Love it all!!!

  12. You are sooooo incredibly talented! I love your wheelbarrow ... the wheels ... the cute logo ... and, of course, the beautiful Fall goodness you filled it with ... paired with your colorful mums and scattered leaves all create such a welcoming porch!

  13. You really know how to take a project and run with it! I love it with all of the extra details you added. Unfortunately my local Home Depot seems to put the least amount of effort possible in the DIH workshops. The last one I attended was not at all a positive experience!

  14. Are you kidding me? That is just too cute. I love it.

  15. Very nice! You have some some serious skills in addition to your talent for decorating!

  16. Cristina,
    This is an amazing project and encourages me to think even I could do this. Thanks for giving us the link to Home Depot to register for a workshop to learn how to use all these tools. I pinned this post to both the Pinterest group board DIY Rock Stars and my Pinterest board, Fall.

    Thank you for sharing your awesome talent with Monday Social.


  17. I love your wheelbarrow! It is to cute and turned out perfect.

  18. Wow! I love what you did with the wheel. Yours is my favorite of all the ones I've seen so far!

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