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DIY - Little Wooden Buoys

A summer project using wood from the scrap pile

Summer months are approaching faster than we think! Let's put together some small projects to decorate our home and have it ready for those lazy days ahead.

Today's project: A set of little buoys that will give your home a coastal feel.

The best part is that you're going to tap on all those little pieces of wood that keep on accumulating in your workshop and you will end up with a cute project to decorate your home or to use as Summer gifts.

I've been so happy with all the organization going on in the garage. The space not only feels spacious, it's been a more productive place. I can find stuff, tools, easier and I work faster.

I packed all the little pieces of wood inside cardboard boxes, flat pieces, square pieces... It was easy to pin-point which pieces were the ones I wanted for this project.

I picked the small narrow pieces - mostly 1" material. They weren't longer than 3".
The top part of the buoys design was marked and cut it off with a jig-saw.

A good sanding is necessary to round up those sharp edges. You can clearly see which ones need to be sanded.

The final part is to drill holes to pass the jute rope through, and paint them any color you want.

I went for a classic red, white and blue pallete, and added random numbers.

A good distressing was done to the paint, and 
now the little buoys look like they've been used and in the water for years! :)

This set of little buoys was used to decorate 
a Summer Wreath, a project that I'm sharing today at 
summer decor

For more DIY - Summer home décor ideas check these out:

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  1. I LOVE those buoys, Cristina! I have some larger ones for sale in my shop but just might copy your project and make some small ones and string them together like that. They are SO cute!

  2. OH for the love! Those are darn cute and a super smart use of scraps.

  3. So cute Cristina! Only you can come up with something so pretty with scraps of wood like these!

  4. These are just so cute and way to use up your scraps. Pinning this one as I have a friend who decorates with the coastal theme. She would love these! Thanks for this awesome idea!!

  5. How adorable! I might could even make these. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. These are the cutest little coastal decor accent pieces ever!
    Wonderful to have you join us at TOHOT!
    Wishing you a safe and pleasant Memorial Day weekend!

  7. You are awesome, Cristina! I would not have thought to make these, it's great.

  8. So adorable (as always!). Pinned & featuring!

  9. Love these! I have those random pieces too. Now I have the perfect project! Thanks for sharing!


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