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Beach Pillow from Old Jeans and Troubles of the Heart

old jeans repurposed into a pillowcase with the words beach

Turning old jeans into pillow covers is a simple way to upcycle those beloved jeans!

Today I'm staying away from the kitchen, yeah, projects for the kitchen.
Though not for long, there's something I still want to share with you that can wait for a week or so.

Today's project involves the sewing machine. 

I know some of you don't even like those two words: sewing machine, but that's OK you can skip this post. ;)

The other elements you'll need are old jeans and a bit of fabric paint.

I had a good stash of old, well-worn, loved, and mostly damaged jeans...

The ones with the damaged zipper.

Another one with a big tear on the rear part.

The little jeans that my kids outgrew, sporting with big holes on the knees...

This project only required one side of one leg part from three jeans, which means more old jean projects coming your way in the following months. :D

Strips were cut to fit the size of the pillow and with them, in hand, I went to sit in front of the sewing machine. 

Ahhh long time not talking to my old friend!

Sewing straight pieces of fabric is so easy!  It gives my mind time to think about important things. 

"The talking"  this time was heavy! -

I already told you I've been busy, but besides the projects and usual household stuff, our minds and hearts have been the busiest. We've been heartbroken. Well, my daughter is. :(  She is a senior in high school, she is graduating in a couple of weeks. She was in a relationship that made her sick. Luckily it's over but my girl is having a tough time.

I've been there giving her advice, listening, and giving her all the support she needs. If only it was as easy as flattening some pieces of fabric or making straight cuts!

As I told her...  Putting back together that shattered heart is going to take time.

She's listening, she's putting lots of effort and determination into making all this situation a learning experience.

I'm so glad!

I know she will be a whole self pretty soon. However, in the meantime, she only wants to stay with family and close friends, and no time for parties or prom.  :/

I can't wait to have my sweet happy girl back!

Beach pillow made out of old jeans

Good thing Summer and a whole world of new opportunities are coming her way. :)

how to make an envelope pillow out of jeans for a coastal decor look

For complete instructions on how to make an envelope pillow, click HERE.

For more DIY Home Decor projects, check these out:

envelope pillow with coastal decor

Patriotic table runner
how to make a patriotic table runner

Enjoy what you read today?



  1. Great idea for old jeans Cristina. And your piping is perfect!

    1. Thanks Jaime! Coming from you that's a big compliment! :)

  2. Cristina, I love your pillow - a unique take on denim I have not yet seen! The broken heart like your daughter's, oh yes, I've seen. It's so hard to see their hearts break, I think a little piece of our own goes with it. He obviously didn't deserve her.

    1. Rita, you're so right, our whole family was having a though time. we're happy to see things improving. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Cristina, the pillow is great! Jaime is right, your piping is perfect!! My support to you and your daughter. I imagine everyone has been in her shoes in their own way and it's not easy.
    ~ Christina

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for your support, Christina! Yep, that's a part of life most of us have to go thru, not easy at all!

  4. Awe poor girl! It is so hard to watch your child in pain. My mom always told us "Boys are like busses, there will be another one around in fifteen minutes" Not sure if that will help her but it was so true! Your pillow is amazing. You are so creative and I loved that you recycled! Have a good weekend and congratulations to your daughter on her upcoming graduation. Tell her she worked hard for it and she should enjoy it.

    1. Hahaha buses, that's a good one! Thanks Karen, you too have a great weekend!

  5. Your pillow is very pretty and summery. I love to recycle fabrics of all kinds.
    I'm so sorry for your girl. Hopefully it won't take too long until she's over that guy.

  6. Cristina, I just LOVE that pillow! When I moved I threw away some old jeans I'd been keeping for years and didn't know what to do with. I'm used to glueing together boards but never thought of sewing together strips of jeans... amazing!

    1. I hit publish too quickly and forgot to mention your daughter's heartbreak. I hope she can see that things will change and she will find herself happier and feeling much better soon.

    2. Julie, Thanks! I know what you mean, I had those jeans for ages until pop, the idea appeared! About my daughter, the good thing is in fact that, she saw things improving from the moment the relationship was over, so, I guess is a matter of time and counseling so she doesn't get in the same mistakes she got into.

  7. Love this idea for old jeans! My heart breaks for you and your daughter. High school is hard enough without boys being jerks (not all by any means). My prayer for her is that she will find her value not in him, but through the ones who truly love her. It took me a long time to learn to guard my heart and wait for the right one. She will, too, and with graduation near, there are wondrous new journeys and adventures about to start ... Some done best on one's own! That's advice from me, the old one! Love you guys!

    1. Guerrina, thanks so much for your kind words and advise. I still need to show all these comments to my daughter. I know she's not going to like it at first, but after reading all these wonderful advise she's gonna feel much better!

  8. I love this pillow! The variety of old jeans just give it such a unique look - so cool! I think I need to make one! Here's to summer helping to mend your girl's heart. I am not looking forward to seeing heartbreak in the eyes of my daughters one day. It sounds like your daughter has all the support system she needs, though!

    1. Thanks Jenny! That sure is something we don't want our little ones going thru. However as sadly as it is, it happens. :( Wishing you the best to you and your daughters!

  9. Cristina,
    I love the pillow. Beautiful. Sorry about your daughter though. Praying she gets that clarity and realize that when a door closed a better one else will open. Praying for her.

  10. Saw this on funkyjunkinteriors link party. I love this pillow. I love upcycling old denim and keep my jeans for projects. I think this looks great especially love the addition of the stenciled letter.

  11. Ficou muito linda a sua almofada.
    Eu adoro jeans, então, adorei!

  12. That's sew cute, what a simple idea that looks fabulous. You have a gift.

  13. Hola Cristina !! Guauuuuu que bonita idea de reciclaje de yeans !! Me gusta mucho el degradé que se produce por las distintas telas

  14. That pillow is so cute! I would love for you to link up your sewing project at the Stitch It, Blog It, Share It Link Party going on now at

  15. Great idea! Love old jean projects. Have a great week :)

  16. I am even more wanting to go to the beach now!!!

  17. Such a cute cushion, and a great way to re-purpose pairs of jeans that have seen better days :-)

    I hope your daughter feels better soon. Teenage heartbreak is the worst! Or it seems like it at the time :-)

  18. I have definitely been in her shoes before and it's so hard, but having you as her Mama (a Mama who listens and offers advice) is invaluable! She's so blessed to have YOU :) This pillow is an adorable craft...I'm going to have to make one for my mom's best friend who has a home in 30A!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  19. That's a beautiful pillow, Christina. I love that you painted "Beach" on it. So fun!

  20. This DIY project is great. It's the perfect solution for old a little bit tattered jeans. Simply love it because I hate to throw away my fav jeans because of a small hole.

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