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An Intertwined Heart - A Re-purposed Project

Valentine's day Heart Art

Can you believe Valentine's day is just around the corner? Yeah!

I've been adding bits of pink and LOTS of hearts around the house...

And the biggest heart that I've ever created is this project.


I was in the garage re-organizing things there when all these pieces of molding appeared.
Crown molding...
Wall molding...
Chair rail...  All those leftover pieces we hate to throw away.

Ha, and just like this, placing them in an "intertwine" kind of way, the heart shape took form.
how to repurpose scrap pieces of molding

After having them flat on the floor and organized, I tried to draw a heart, but no matter what, one side was always bigger than the other. :/ 

I went inside and on a big folded piece of wrapping paper, I drew the heart and cut it out. 
Pfff Much better!
how to make a heart shape on paper

After tracing the pattern on the moldings, each piece was cut following the line using the BladeRunner, you can also use a jigsaw.
How to cut small pieces of molding with Rockwell Tools - BladeRunner

One by one, the heart shape began to come out.
heart made out of molding pieces

All the pieces of molding were then painted with acrylic paints. The first layer was done with bold colors.
Heart shape pieces of molding being painted blue red and brown

Once dry, Elmer's glue was applied. A heavy coat was applied on all the boards.
how to use Elmer's glue for crackle finish

When the glue turned tacky to the touch, the final coat was applied, without double brushing.
Crackle finish on molding pieces

After a few minutes, the glue and paint started to dry and the crackled finish began to appear.
Crackle finish done with Elmer's glue

A close up of how they look.

I love it! 

Some boards got the effect better than others. The brown/red was the one with the least amount of crackling, but over all the boards turned out OK.
Elmer's glue used on molding pieces to create crackle effect

I didn't have a big, thin wooden board to attach them to. Instead, I used one of those heavy foam posters. 
I cut a smaller heart shape on it. Then, the moldings were attached with hot glue.

Once done you can ask; Wood you be my Valentine?!

Valentine's day Heart Art

Check how it looks adorning my mantel right HERE.
Hope to see you then!

Here are some more V-day art ideas you might like.

DIY LOVE wall art pottery barn knock out

coffee lids were repurposed into art for Valentines

Valentine's day wreath with red and white ribbon



  1. I love it, Cristina! What a great way to use all of those stray molding pieces. I effect of the glue is so interesting too. Great job!

  2. This is so cute! I have to start thinking about Valentine's Day. It always sneaks up on me!

  3. Oh, I love the repurposed heart...especially the color scheme. I was in HomeGoods on Saturday and picked up a few Valentines related décor items. I am using pink, gold and white this year for Valentines.


  4. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y me ha encantado.
    Te animo a hacer una ojeada en el post de esta semana y seguro que veras algunas ideas realmente interesantes.Deseo que te guste y si es así me alegraria que te hicieras seguidora. gracias por visitarme.

  5. Super, super cute! I love how you did that, and the Elmer's glue trick. I've never seen that one before.

  6. I'm working on a scrap wood heart as well. Like what you did.

    Shannon from

  7. I love the heart art! Very clever. Pinning to my Valentine board.

  8. Oh, this is SO cute! I love that it's different colors too!


  9. So cute. I didn't know that crackle trick. Fabulous.

  10. I love the heart Cristina! It's perfect.

  11. Cristina, always love your creative projects. This is a winner! Thank you for the reminder about Elmer's Glue for crackling. Have you tried generic white glue?

  12. Thanks so much ladies! Christina, No, I haven't tried generic white glue. Have you? Any difference? This was my first attempt at using glue for this purpose and I'm happy with the results!

  13. What!?! I love this! You are always so creative, I love the glue effect, going to have to try that! Amazing!

  14. Cristina, your creativity never ceases to amaze me! This turned out SO cute for valentines day! Even better that you used items you already had around the house. You're amazing!


  15. Hola Cristina !! Ese marco de ventana me encanta ya que lo acomidas según la estación .. Me encantó ese efecto crakelado de la madera

  16. Great job! I like to use different pieces left from home renovations or whatever comes to your mind:) I'm not the throw-it-away guy, which sometimes pisses off my girlfriend :D
    rubbish collection

  17. Cristina it is beautiful! You are soo creative!

  18. This is so beautiful! We would love for you to come link this up at the Creative Collection Link Party going on right now.

  19. this is so pretty! you do the most amazing projects!

  20. That is absolutely the most darling heart project. I love the look !

  21. LOVE your heart, it's so clever! And to think I threw away so many small pieces of wood when I moved... I could just cry!!!

  22. Oh. My. Gosh. Cristina! What a clever idea! I love it :-)


  23. I love this heart! I love the paint job, and what a great way to use the molding!

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