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Pom Pom Wreath Ornament

Welcome to day 8 of the 12 Days of Christmas Ornament event! 

By this time into the ornament making, my dining room, aka "Christmas headquarters", is a complete mess.

The table is full of ribbons, papers, bells, ornaments... Any Christmas-related craft in our home is right here.

There are also boxes all around the room which makes me walk sideways, each time I try to go to the other side of the table to grab something.

Two days ago, I was trying to put a little bit of order into this space and that's when I found one of these:

An empty ribbon spool. 

And no, I haven't used that many this year. The ones in the picture above were used last year in this pumpkin project.

If you've followed me for a while you already know that I collect those, or better yet, I like to recycle them. ;)

Having that empty ribbon spool in hand, the idea of a Christmas wreath was born.

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The materials you'll need:

  • Pom poms in different colors and sizes
  • Hot glue gun
  • Ribbon
  • 1 empty ribbon spool
          You can find most of the materials at Michael's

Wrap the ribbon all around the spool, securing it with hot glue.

Grab the biggest pomp poms and attach them in equidistant places on the spool's edge.

Continue hot gluing the medium and then, the smaller pom poms in the same manner until the wreath is completely full. Don't forget the outer edge.

Your little wreath can be used to decorate your Christmas tree...

Or as a cute accent on a present.

Have you ever recycled those spools? What have you created with them?

Here you can check the rest of the Ornaments for day 8.
christmas-ornament-craft-ideas Day 8 1000 x 1000

Yarn Ball Ornaments | All Things G&D
Vintage Jello Mold Ornament | Whats Ur Home Story
Simple Popsicle Stick Sled | Serendipity Refined
Snow Globe Ornament | It All Started With Paint
Wispy Feather Ornament | The Happier Homemaker
Pom Pom Wreath Ornament | Remodelando la Casa
Burlap and Reindeer Ornament | Bigger Than The Three of Us
Deer Head Ornament | Mom 4 Real

Click on any of the pictures below to check my 12 Days of Christmas Ornaments.
dear Santa letter OrnamentcgAngel Ornament cgYarn covered Christmas Ball cgWine Cork Reindeer Ornamentsq
spiral wired tree ornamentssqChristmas Soldier Ornamentssqpaper owl ornaments square1Pompom wreath ornament s
Wire Christmas tree ornamentsqChalkboard OrnamentsPolymer Clay Snowflake OrnamentHeart ornaments

P.S. For even more holiday inspiration check out Michael's on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter

*Some of the products used in this post and The 12 days of Christmas Ornament event were purchased with a gift card that I received from Michaels*

Enjoy what you read today?



  1. WOW Cristina you have been BUSY!!! This is super cute!! And I have been checking out all your other fun ornaments! You are so amazingly creative! I love them all!

  2. What a lovely post, full of inspiration! I love it!

  3. aw i have to dig through my garbage! i just threw out an empty spool and then you go and inspire me....CHEERS

  4. The pretty lady with many talents! Wish I lived by you, I'd love to make things myself, it's so much fun!
    So many beautiful things you've made dear Cristina.
    Thanks for your sweet visit.
    Happy Thanksgiving y muchas bendiciones para todos Uds.

  5. And now I know what to do with my empty ribbon spools!!! Genius!!! You are such a talent! Oh, and I too have been buried under craft supplies! We may need to call in reinforcements to dig me out!

    :) Linda

  6. So, so cute and creative! I love them! I would love if you would share this at my blog party, Celebrate It! It’s all about celebrating our wonderful, everyday lives!

  7. Yo también estoy en la etapa de los paquetes de regalo !! Linda insiracion

  8. Great ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. Somehow I missed this ornament during the crazy 12 days - love those cute pom poms! And what a good idea to use an empty ribbon spool as the "wreath" form. I'm including it tomorrow in my roundup of some faves from the series! :)

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