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Easter Egg Tree Centerpiece

Create the perfect centerpiece for your Easter table: a little Easter egg tree with real eggshells and Easter figures that will delight children and adults alike.

small bunnies and small figures are housed in egg shells to create an Easter Egg Tree centerpiece
After a wonderful first day of Spring, with lots of sun, nice temperatures, and a nice breeze, I'm more than ready to embrace all the soft colors of the season, the flowers, and even the cleaning that comes with Spring.

Just kidding :D  

As of right now, I'm only ready for flowers and Easter.
Easter centerpiece with little bonnies, birds, eggs
On my recent visits to a thrift store, the colorful displays on the Spring/Easter aisles got me in.

I went looking for something cute to use on my Easter table. There were lots of eggs, baskets, and books, but for some reason, what really spoke to me were a couple of bunny figures and the two sets of wooden ornaments you see in the picture below.

They stayed on my dining room table for about a week until I finally decided to use them on an Easter tree.
small Easter figures for Egg tree

Well, an Easter egg tree where real eggshells house all of the tiny rabbits, birds, and little penguins that came in my two-dollar sets, which is about the total cost for this project if you happen to have all of the other materials as I did.

The materials you'll need:

  • Eggshells - about 18 
  • Small decorative Easter figures (eggs, rabbits, birds, etc.)
  • Acrylic Paints and a little brush
  • Cardboard paper(two letter-size pieces)
  • Cardboard tube (from wrapping paper or toilet paper)
  • Candle holder
  • Decorative paper
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Sprinkles, moss, or colored rice to use as a filler ;)


I had been collecting eggshells for quite some time already. My son loves a Winter soup in which the eggs have to be sprinkled from a small hole you open at the end or top of the egg. So, after using the egg, I kept the empty shells in the fridge until I had enough to create the tree. I also used some half-shells.


Make those little holes bigger or big enough for the miniature figures to fit in. Color the inside and the outside a different color. White eggshells would be better. I had to apply three coats of acrylic paint on the outside.

I used lots of pencils that were stuck in a piece of foam. Perfect holders for the shells to dry on.
how to repurpose egg shells


You can find the three free templates HERE and HERE. Trace them onto the cardboard and the decorative paper, cut them out, and glue them together. 

Two pieces of wrapping paper or toilet paper tube were cut at 2¼" and one at ¾"; cover those with pieces of decorative paper, too.
Easter tree free printables


Long pieces of decorative paper, only ¼" wide, were also cut and hot glued to the edge of each platform. As you can see, they make a difference.
Use hot glue to assemble the stand.
three tier for Easter centerpiece


Set the shells on the stand using hot glue. Place the most oversized shells on the lower level of the stand. 
BE CAREFUL—remember they're fragile!

The smallest shells should be placed on the top layers of the stand. Set them in different positions: one opening should look all the way up, the other down, etc.

Add hot glue to the top of a small candlestick and set the tree on top of it.
empty egg shells for Easter egg tree


Use filler, moss, or sprinkles; I didn't have any of those, so I used green-colored rice to bring the small figures popping out of the shells.

5. CREATE A STORY! - Optional

Even though it is not required, you can create your own story while establishing those little figures.

Mr. Rabbit is at work... 

Managing Colorful Egg Chocolate Co. is a challenging task.

Chirpie, his faithful assistant, is having a difficult day.

Easter egg tree with little Easter figures on easter table
Pinklet, the control quality assistant, believes the chocolate carrot stems should be shorter.

A cart of chocolate carrots is coming to his office at this exact time.
rabbits, birds, duck, chicks, carrots on Easter egg tree centerpiece

small rabbits, flowers, birds and egg shells for Easter egg tree.

Lots of noise! Birdie yells..."Bring me the mail!"
small rabbit, bird and flowers inside egg shells for Eas/ter egg tree centerpiece

Others in Colorful Egg Chocolate Co. are trying to sneak out to enjoy the beautiful day. They cannot stand so much stress!
Easter Egg Tree Centerpiece  wit real egg shells

Well, not Whiskers. He is always calm, and he enjoys doing a good job the most.
real egg shells used for Easter egg tree centerpiece

It's been a hectic but productive day, and somehow, Mr. Rabbit can't wait to head home.
easter tablescape with egg tree.

Check how it looks adorning my Easter tablescape HERE

Oh boy, so much going on!

real egg shells painted and mounted on a cake stand and fill with little wooden rabbits, birds, chicks and penguin figures

Happy Easter!

Enjoy what you read today?



  1. this is so cute! so many wonderful details....the stand is great idea. Happy spring!
    are you ready for next week snow?

  2. So cute and creative! My kids would love this!

  3. This is awesome!! What a great deal you got on your miniature bunny family!! This is really cute Cristina. Pinning!!

  4. OMG! this is just the most adorable easter centerpiece I've seen so far Cristina!!!!! LOVE IT to bits!

  5. It's gorgeous Cristina, really, really pretty.

  6. If that doesn't say spring/Easter I don't know what does, it's so cute love how you used the egg shells!

  7. This is absolutely adorable! My children would love peeking into each egg to see the bunnies and it would defiantly make me smile each time I walked past it.

    Happy Spring!
    ~ Ashley

  8. I passed up all the Easter goodies in the thrift store yesterday darn it!

  9. That is so sweet, Cristina! Love all the little colorful details! XO

  10. Que linda te ha quedado ese centro de mesa de conejitos de Pascua !! Me gustó mucho las tonalidades de colores que elegiste .. Como siempre un trabajo armonioso !!!

  11. My goodness how cute is that... I bought very similar wooden Easter ornaments from the thrift store. I didn't quite know what to do with them but thanks to you I could make something similar. Love your idea. Visiting from BNOTP :)

  12. What an adorable tree! I've never seen one made like a stand before. Super adorable! I like how every egg is a little scene on its own....
    And great tip on drying the freshly painted eggshells on sticks!!
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  13. You win the prize! This is the most creative use of holiday ornaments I've seen. Your Easter tree is adorable. So much more interesting than just hanging the ornaments from branches. I'm going to pin this idea just to keep admiring your creativity. Thanks for sharing the step by step details. Kudos for a fantastic project. Happy Easter!

  14. What a sweet tree you have made. It looks like you have put a lot of time and thought into it, not to mention a lot of creativity and it is truly darling. Just perfect for Easter.

  15. Adorable. ..and the story really made me smile! 😃

  16. Adorable!! This is such a cute idea. I would love for you to share this on my Friday T.G.I.F. linky party :)

  17. oh my goodness totally the cutest Easter tree ever! I love the different colors inside the eggs and the way you arranged them it different "poses" on the wonderful pastel patterned tiers~ Simply wonderful!

  18. Oh my! This is so pretty and adorable! I love your egg tree! I love the beautiful colors and the cute bunnies. I am so pinning this to my Easter board!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

  19. Cristina! This is too, too cute! I love it. Y tambien te pido perdon. Hace mucho tiempo que no visito tu blog (ni el mio) pero ya estoy de regreso. :)

  20. it! I had to PIN it, drool and just plain stare at it....So much more creative then just a bouquet of flowers!

  21. Amazing, The color was harmonious, love it
    I hope I can make it too

  22. Oh my goodness -- this is just adorable, Cristina!

    Thank you for popping by my blog!

  23. Featuring at this weeks party! Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time, Anything Goes linky. This is one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time.

  24. This is adorable! I'm pinning it and hope to make it with my granddaughter someday! Thank you!

  25. Yay thrifty and pretty! I pinned it. Thanks for sharing. :)

  26. Wow! That's lovely! Lucky you, finding the cute ornaments! And what a creative way of displaying them!

  27. This is just amazing. I'm inspired to look for supplies and try this myself!

  28. Is thisade with real eggs or plastic ones

  29. This is an absolutely precious idea! Great idea to do with kids while in quarantine!

  30. I love how you repurposed the egg tree ornaments - so clever!

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