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Leather Drawer/Cabinet Pulls

leather parts of women bags are repurposed as drawer pulls

Looking for a neat way to add character to a piece of furniture?!

How about giving those drawers some handsome pulls.

Yep. Some leather pulls!

I liked the original pulls the cabinet had, but when I went to install them in the "new" white cabinet they were just too much.

The contrast was big, and the fact that now I had a drawer basket that also needed something to pull it out, made me go and find another solution for the pulls.

dark hutch ready to be painted white

I tried some other pulls I had on hand, but none of them fit quite nicely.

Then, I remember my leather bag parts!

Every time one of my bags is too old/damaged to give away, I take away all the parts I think are good to re-purpose on other projects.

This particular bag was a good replica, a hand-me-down from my sister. She gave it to me because it was too heavy (no wonder, with all these extras!), I didn't mind. ;)  I just loved it and used it until one of the handles broke. These are the parts that were saved from the bag. I used one of those parts around the stump table on my Valentine Mantel here.

The five pieces needed were cut to size, rounding the end. Using a leather punch tool, the holes were opened.
leather punch tool used to open holes in leather

Not having luck finding a better-looking alternative, simple screws were used to attach them to the drawers/doors. 

You can clearly see my poor job with the gold-painted screws and washers :)
leather accessories from an old bag

For the cabinet pulls only one screw was used.

In my opinion, this solution worked better to integrate the basket and the drawers.

Do you see the door not closing all the way? The screw holding the pull is too long 1½", I need to buy a 1¼" instead ;)

Here again, the four pulls.

For the complete hutch makeover click HERE

Have you re-purposed bag parts? How about your belts? What have you done with them?

For more repurposed ideas check these out:

how to repurpose wire or electrical spools into tables, clocks, furniture, desk organizer, ottoman.

Have a great day!



  1. Yo en el anterior post te había preguntado por esas correas ,,, eres una genio amiga ,, me encanto como se ve el cuero café con el fondo blanco y celeste ,,,,

  2. Cristina such a perfect repurpose all around. I too 'strip' anything and everything before throwing it out, you just never know when those parts might come in handy :)

  3. I do that too!!!...the taking apart of the too old bags. I have bought some for very cheap (garage sales) just for that purpose. Looks great

  4. I would never have thought of doing that and I really like the look. Better not tell my husband there is something else to not throw out.

  5. P.S. You can shorten a screw by cutting it with a hack saw

  6. Impressive! Very creative idea with the handles! :)

  7. They look fantastic! What a great repurpose, Cristina. :)

  8. That is such a sweet recycle project! You could just take a hacksaw or a bolt cutter to the screw and cut the end off. I had to do this not too long ago. I love the look of your pulls. It really finishes off your new hutch perfectly!!

  9. I love the look! I would never have thought to do are amazingly creative!

  10. You ladies are a smarty bunch! I just cut the screw :) Thanks!

  11. Wow! This buffet is more 'expenive' than I thought?! PRADA leather handles?! FABULOSO!!!!!

  12. I love this so much! I like to save old bag straps too! This was truly inspired to make them into pulls and handles! Awesome!

  13. You are amazing! What a gorgeous idea! So creative! Enjoy your weekend! Maria

  14. Cristina, you have just inspired me to start saving the straps and embellishments on my bags! So smart and creative - love the dresser makeover. It caught my eye over at The Scoop Party!
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista

  15. What a fabulous hutch! The changes you made are just awesome! Love the white and those handles are just over the top, super!

  16. I absolutely love the leather handles. How fabulous are these. Great idea. Hugs, Marty

  17. What a great idea! It completely changes the feel of the piece, well done!

  18. I am so glad Marty featured your post on a Stroll Thru Life or I may have missed this!!! Your hutch looks fabulous!! I love the leather handles - it is hard to believe that this is the same ugly dresser you started with. The transformation is fantastic!! Love it! - I it will be hard for me to throw out a purse now :)

  19. Que belleza Cristinita! The talented Miss Cristina!...I love the leather handles, what a lovely and clever idea. Your hutch looks amazing with all your lovelies inside it. Hugs,

  20. Goodness gracious this is one great re-do and of course I love your "pulls"...I am a new follower, I hope that you will stop by and check out my blog and follow me, too!

  21. Well that's just genius!! Now I have to start saving old purse parts! Dang it! I'm already being called a hoarder! lol!


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