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A Re-purposed Christmas Tree

The other day I was reading a post by my friend Vel about collections, I fell in love with her pretty books and  brass apple collections. Then I pause to think about the collections I have but at that moment nothing came, hmmm as I said there, collections are not in my DNA.

Later on, I remembered that yes, I have some collections...
Letters written to me by my siblings and friends, it's not growing any longer now that we use e-mails ;)...
All the cards my kids have given me thru the years ...
Christmas cards from friends and family, kind of sentimental stuff.
And I also collect items like these:
Empty ribbon spools
I just cannot throw them away! Maybe this is not a collection but a hoarding problem :) But when the ribbons are gone I think the spools can be re-used.
I used lots of them when creating the Ribbon Spool Pumpkin, remember? but I still have many more, and it looks like they love me :)  The other day while at Home Depot with my husband I found the big black spool I'm using here, inside one of their trash cans. I thought it was beautiful and immediately picked it up. You can imagine Mr. RLC's face! :D

That black spool gave me the idea of a ribbon spool Christmas tree. It was time to utilize those chunky spools ;)

Perfect shape but a bit too plain!  Some burlap, jute webbing...

Hot glue...

And of course, some blink.

A wooden spool, one of the latest in "my collection", serves as a base ;)

Finally, a cinnamon stick star tops it off!
Ta da! At least now I have a Christmas tree.

It is time for me to work on the real one, there are home tours all around blog land that I'm feeling so far behind! At least I'm getting lots of inspiration ;)

Thanks so much for your nice comments on my last post!


  1. So creative! I have some old spools saved up as well... you just never know when you might need them ;)

  2. You are just plain genius Cristina!!!! love this upcycling you did! who would've thought?! of course YOU!

  3. So creative! I just love how you can repurpose things that many people (including myself) would probably just throw away.

  4. Well, aren't YOU the clever girl?!?!! That is REALLY cute! xo Diana

  5. You are very creative..this is quite unique!

  6. Que creativa eres ,, lindo arbolito has creado Cristina

  7. This is just the cutest idea. I love it. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  8. Very creative idea! It is hard to throw away those spools. This is a great way to re-use them.

  9. Awe this is very cute. A great upcycle project!!

  10. Hermoso Cristina! Muy lindo y muy creativo.
    Te felicito!

  11. How Fun and what a Cute idea! :)
    Thank you for sharing your tutorial.
    Merry Christmas!

  12. Your tree is really pretty--I love it when things that might ordinarily get tossed away as junk get repurposed into something beautiful like this! I made an alternative tree this year as well :)

  13. Genius, Christina! Glad to know someone else keeps spools for future projects... : ). Love how you put this together. Very creative. And isn't Vel so sweet? Love her!

  14. What a super cute idea! You are so creative! Very pretty!

  15. What a creative display Cristina. It is fantastic.

  16. Oh my goodness, what a creative idea! I love it! I would be thrilled if you shared this over at my link party, Ginger Jamboree today!


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