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Leaves Art

Leaves Art

Don't you love all those beautiful colors that come with each season?  The mute colors of Winter, the soft colors of Spring, the bright strong colors of Summer...

Or the deep yellows, reds, oranges of Fall?  Oh, I'm loving those colors right now!  That's a picture of how my street looks these days...

There are still many leaves on the trees...

But even more on the ground...  
A couple of weeks ago I grabbed some of those leaves and brought them inside to create instant art ;)

They replaced those pictures we had taken in NY, they had been there on the breakfast area for so long.

It was so easy, some pieces of tape were used to attach the leaves to a white mat.

It was another way to give the room some more brightness besides the "new" shade and the open cabinet.

Now I'm looking for some branches to decorate during Winter ;)


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  1. Very pretty! I love any decor that includes beautiful fall leaves. It looks great in your dining room!

  2. I love how they are outlined in the blue.. They are beautiful!

  3. Perfect Cristina! Again, your making something out of nothing simply amazes me! Have a great weekend dear!

  4. One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.
    William Shakespeare

  5. That is beautiful artwork, Cristina. It is just a gorgeous idea and simple yet elegant looking- xo Diana

  6. Oh I just love this time of the year for exactly this reason. Beautiful color that could never be recreated ! great way to display Fall "art"!

  7. I love using real leaves in pictures. We really don't get the pretty colored leaves in SO CA. Your pictures are amazing. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Such beautiful pictures! We don't have the maples or many oak trees in Alberta. The red fall colors are so beautiful and I love you art work. Love your chairs too. Sets off the whole tone of fall!

  9. I love your kitchen! What color did you paint the chairs for the kitchen table and where did you get your drapes? Thanks!

  10. Your leaves make me happy, they look so pretty on the wall! I love the beauty of fall!

  11. Very pretty. Our leaves are all off the trees now and we are getting snow today!

  12. Hola Cristina ,, que maravilla!! Eres una genio del color!!! Ese simple cuadro en todo tu conjunto de colores, celeste, marrón , gris ,, espectacular a,,,

  13. Nature truly is an amazing artist. I love your idea!

    Have a lovely fall week!


  14. When nature is so beautiful it is the perfect idea to bring it inside and use it as art. Great project Cristina! I love the little hit of fall colour it adds.

  15. Great fall DIY project. It is always nice to swap pictures out seasonally!

  16. Very pretty! Your street looks amazing. I love all the fall color.

  17. Very simple and pretty! It certainly makes a lovely seasonal statement!

  18. Love the colors of fall and how you brought them into your home.

  19. What a great idea to use nature into an art work !

  20. it's a beautiful idea Cristina love your art very much and love the pictures you took outside very much too :-)


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