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Summer Mantel

After taking down the busy mantel I made for SpringI went for a very plain and easy summer mantel.

I live far from the water, but looking at this sailboat above the mantel gives me the feeling of living in a beach house.

Well, a little bit. ;)

red striped sail boat art project mantel, pink hydrangeas, blue bottles

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I want to show you how the sailboat art was done so you can create your own; it's pretty easy.

The same board used for the Love Art sign was the base for this project, or you can use a plain piece of plywood.

A piece of ¼" plywood created the hull or the boat's body.

Trace your lines for the boat on the piece of wood; it doesn't have to be perfect.
Using a regular saw, follow those lines (the wiggly lines disappeared while cutting it), since it's ¼" material, the cutting goes fast.

Sand those rough edges and give the bow that nice rounded shape.

You can paint it, stain it or leave it like that. I gave it a light grey washout.

The main sail and jib are made of drop cloth. The measurements of these are totally up to you, depending on how big or small you want your sailboat.  

Cut two triangles, one bigger than the other, and remember to take advantage of those corners; they are already hemmed ;)
boat, white art

A small tree branch made the perfect mast for this project. Attach screw eyes (four) onto the branch.
screw eyes on a branch

Now, it's time to put it all together.  

First, Attach three screw eyes to the top edge of the boat, both ends and center.

Use mounting tape to attach the boat to the board.
double sided mounting tape for wall art projects - sailboat

To set the mast in place, drive two small nails through the middle of the branch (picture below).

Push holes on every corner of the sail and jib, using jute rope, tie them in place through the screw eyes.

art - summer mantel

You can make the sail extra special with a fun, colorful design. 

My daughter helped me by painting some red stripes.

Jute rope can be wrapped around the mast as an extra detail.

Hang it in place and enjoy!
mantel for summer with boat

Add a bouquet of hydrangeas...
family room with fireplace and sailboat art - white chairs, lamp, basket

Some blue bottles.
fireplace with blue bottles on mantel

A fish-starfish garland.

fish and starfish garland on summer mantel with driftwood

And the mantel is done.
blue pillows, starfish garland, mantel, boat


coastal decor, beach style, hamptoms, sea side

Have a wonderful SUMMER!

For more DIY Summer decor ideas, check these out:

blue crabs and beach summer signs - DIY

blue and white polka dot plates, red and white striped placemats, red cups


blue bottles, wooden placemats, blue cups - tablescape

Enjoy what you read today?



  1. Que belleza Cristina, Usted simpre tan creativa! Feliz Verano y que pase un bonito fin de semana! Muy linda de verdad!

  2. ups! i leaved the comment for this post in the adirondack chair post.

    again, you amazed me every time I visit your blog. You're so creative!


  3. Oh it's so cute! It really brings a feeling of summertime into your room :)

  4. Really nice, Cristina! Your imagination is super!



  5. OMG, Cristina it is over the top too cute!

  6. This is beautiful! I would love for you to link it up at my first link party:

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Te quedo espectacular. Felicitaciones desde Venezuela !!

  8. The whole thing is so perfect and summary, great artwork, cute garland and I love the 'coral' cushions on your chairs.

  9. Love the whole mantel but the boat is my favourite part! I'm pinning.

  10. So adorable. I like the simplicity of the entire look. That garland is wonderful.

  11. I love it.. So clean and nautical. Very pretty!

  12. It looks so pretty - a fabulous DIY too... great job, I love how fresh and bright and summery it feels but you still have a few pops of colour!! Great Job!

  13. This is so cute! I love it! I really like nautical decor but for some reason don't have any in my house, this is making me re-think that... I'm pinning!
    Heidi @

  14. You are so amazingly creative!! I LOVE your boat! The whole thing looks so relaxing and perfect for summer days! Totally pinning!

    And thank you SO much for your great advice on my desk and hutch, I think I might follow it!!

  15. You are so darn creative Cristina! Have I said that before? I think so. Your little sailboat art is very, very cute and clever. Where do you come up with your ideas? I love it. Also love the blue bottles and purple hydrangeas, they're lovely. Where did you find the garland? It all looks very nice with the blue pillows too. What a nice place to hang out! Well done, as always.


  16. Hola Cristina eres realmente muy creativa , me encanto ese cuadro de velero que hiciste .. muy veraniega tu idea

  17. Cristina, this is such a beautiful mantel. I love your sail boat and thank you for sharing a tutorial on how to create one!

  18. Ha, how clever are you! That looks fabulous!

  19. What a cute DIY sailboat and mantle! Hugs, Holly

  20. The reason why I love your projects so much Cristina, is that you always think about the little details that make everything extra-special! Love it dear!!!!

  21. Cute, cute, cute!!! Nice tutorial!! Thanks for sharing your creativity!!!

  22. Wow, Cristina! This is amazing! I love all of it!!
    Jamie @ Better With Age

  23. I Just LOVE your boat, its so beachy and summery.. I will definitely try to do somethinh like this...

  24. This is so original and so very cute Cristina. You are so creative. One of the best mantels I have seen!

  25. My poor heart. It's just dying to have a seat in one of those chairs. So many things. The sailboat- I will definitely make one. It's just too stinkin' cute! And the garland- I'm swooning! I am loving those coral printed pillows too! I just had a floor pouf made for my son's room in a similar fabric. I'm dying to get some of the fabric in the other rooms of the house. I applaud such good taste! lol.

  26. I just love this sailboat. Perfect on your mantle. May have to construct one of my own. Gonna feature this fabulous project in my weekly wow's on Saturday.

  27. Adorable! Love the boat!! I'm pinning this!! Where did you find that garland!?!

    Popped over from HOH

  28. Super sweet. Pinned to my beachy board:)

  29. So cute! I love how you went simple, and the sail boat art is amazing! I popped over from Monday Funday--thanks for sharing!

    ~Abby =)

  30. I really love this! So perfect for a beach house or summer look. So creative!

  31. Oh my gosh! I LOVE THIS!!!!! I wish I could do one for my mantle but Id have to change the colors in my whole den! Right now mines dark and drab.

  32. Just precious! I love how this turned out. Thanks for the tutorial. I'm visiting from the 36th Avenue link party.

    Christy @ Creating a Beautiful Life

  33. This is simply stunning work! I love the red and white stripes, especially beside those blue bottles. Girl, you know how to diy and decorate! Pinning this to my "Hang it All" board because this one piece of diy artwork I don't want to fuggetabout. ;-)

    The Thinking Closet

  34. That is the coolest artwork! I love it and I love that you show us how to do it! Someday I will get to this one!

  35. Christina, this looks marvelous! Very, very creative!

  36. Thanks for the inspiration!

  37. Christina, what a wonderful mantel... and thanks so much for sharing all the inspiration!!! I'm pinning!

  38. That boat is so stinkin' cute!!! I'm featuring it tomorrow at my Friday Features... thanks for linking up to Inspire Me Monday!

  39. I wish you sold the sail boat….would you consider ?

  40. Sorry Brockey :( I already gave it away.

  41. Love this! I am going to have the Grandkids help me collect all the materials, including the wood to make the main background. Then we can hang 'our' project in the beach house for them to enjoy for years to come. Thank you for this bit of inspiration. "Making Memories" is always fun.

  42. I saw this on Pinterest, and I just had to come over and check it out! I love it! I'm always looking for nautical crafts and decor!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party

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