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Cristina Garay - Remodelando la Casa


My name is Cristina, and Remodelando la Casa, or "RemodelaCasa" for short, is my happy place on the internet. 

I started this blogging journey in 2012 to share my projects, including DIYs, home décor, crafts & upcycles. I also share a little bit about my family and our travels.

Yes, I'm a Latina girl!


I was born and raised in Ibague, Colombia, S.A., in a little corner of the coffee zone. Of course, I love coffee!

Every morning, I have a cup of Colombian coffee as part of my breakfast. ;)

Ibague - Colombia
*This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

While living in Colombia, one of my coworkers introduced me to his brother, who was visiting from the U.S. Long story short, we met and married, and we've been living in Maryland for more than 20 years.


Remodelando la Casa started soon after I finished my kitchen makeover, a project that began with a funny / not-too-funny twist.


Tired of how dated my kitchen looked, I got a list of all the changes I wanted to make.

Honey Oak kitchen makeover
| Kitchen Makeover |

The funny thing is that I thought it would be a joint effort for my husband and me to bring our kitchen up to date. He would be the builder, and I would be the decorator, as I've always loved getting into painting, crafting, and decorating projects.


Ha, how wrong I was!


The Mister was not interested, and he didn't know how to do any home repairs, let alone build something by himself.


Time passed, and I had to take matters into my own hands. 

Cristina Garay using a DeWalt circular saw

Armed with an old electric drill and a few hand tools, I started my kitchen renovation, and it turned out to be a makeover that I'm very proud of.

This is how the kitchen looks today:


Fall kitchen

During the renovation, I promised to let everyone know all the steps I took to complete this project.

Knowledge is power, and if you're thinking about a kitchen makeover, home improvement, or decorating project, I want it to be a smooth and happy experience for you.


The projects continue after all these years, and they've gotten bigger, like this entertainment center I tackled in my family room.

Rlc - family room entertainment center
Wall Sconce | Door Knobs | Rug |

Or this mudroom that was created in the corner of our garage.

 RLC mudroom

I was inspired to begin this journey, and I hope that I can inspire you too!


Remodelando la CAsa - lumber rack
| DIY - Lumber Rack |


 Here are some facts about me:

  • I'm a wife, a mother of two, a friend, a sister… A middle child… of 11 (crazy, I know!).

Cristina GAray, Samantha Garay and Matthew Garay
| Here with my babies |

  • A quiet soul, an introverted listener.

  • One of the few Latinas without a sense of rhythm.

  • A traditionalist that finds beauty in the most varied décor styles.

  • I love moldings, white paint, garlands, and chocolate - specifically, chocolatinas Jet. 😋

  • Things that make me uncomfortable are public speaking, getting in front of a camera, and social gatherings. 😬

Fall outfit

You can contact me at:

Louie, the Yorkshire Terrier you see here, is the latest addition to our family. My little shadow. 😊 
Yorkshire Terrier - Louie

You can connect with me on Pinterest, Instagram,
Facebook or YouTube to get the latest from RLC!

*This post contains affiliate links.

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  1. I was pleasantly surprised to find your blog as I plan a similar type media centre for my family home in NZ. Great to see another female getting into it with the power tools and measuring tape. Thanks for the inspiration :-)

    1. Girl, It never ends... Power tools, measuring tape, and a single project at a time! You're going to rock that media center. Ours, it's been a versatile storage workhorse. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind message.

  2. I'm so happy I found your site! You are a true inspiration for me to move from decorating and paint (my limited skill set) to picking up electric hand tools (not there yet, only a drill!). I love watching your videos and seeing your beautiful family and home! And you sound like my soul sister in your description of yourself! And another Maryland girl here too! Can't wait to see your next project!!

    1. Oh, it's so good to hear from another Marylander! You made me go back in time to the moment I made that transition from decorating projects to building projects. The tool that made me feel as a true carpenter 😆 was the Kreg Jig. I could build a basic box without it looking too wonky! Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment.

  3. It's great to see women do DIY. In my culture (Nigeria/Africa) it's almost totally a man's tuff. Kudos! I took a good look at your one of picture for ideas on making doors for my unfinished cupboard. It was very helpful. Thank you!

    1. Hi El, I'm so very glad you got helpful ideas on how to DIY those cupboard doors! I totally agree with your women / DIY comment. It's almost the same story in South America. We need to empower our younger generations. It's still a long way to go, but we're getting there.

  4. Beautiful design and finished look! Can I ask how tall your ceilings are? I just love the ceilings! PS- your a great role model for women to do anything even with power tools!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️ On our main level we have 9-ft ceilings.

  5. Christina! I am so happy I found your blog! It's exactly the type of inspiration I am looking for. I recently bought a house in Annandale, VA and the garage is unfinished. I would love to finish it so I have a place to work on my laptop, sew and paint but I have no idea where to start. There's so many wires and pipes that I am afraid to disrupt anything but your site has inspired me to think of possibilities. I can't wait to go to the Community Forklift. It's only 45 minutes from me so I can see going there frequently to see what new things they have. Thanks for such a great blog. Gina

    1. Hi Gina, First of all, congratulations on your new home, and thanks so much for your kind words! I'm thrilled that you found my blog and that it's inspiring you to tackle your garage conversion project. It's definitely a daunting task at first, especially with all the unknowns, but I promise it's so rewarding in the end to have a dedicated creative space.
      A few tokens of advice: - Safety first. Be cautious about wires and pipes in your garage. Before you do anything else, turn off the power to the garage at the breaker box and shut off the water supply. and can help you learn how to identify them. If you're not comfortable working with electrical wiring or plumbing, it's always best to consult with a licensed electrician or plumber.
      -Start small, don't try to do everything at once. Even if the garage isn't finished, having it organized would make a huge difference.
      -Make a plan. Not only for your garage, but also for all the other projects around your home. Utilize Pinterest boards to save ideas.
      I'm so excited for you, Gina! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions along the way. And please, do share your progress!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, they truly make my day!

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