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Leprechaun Hats - Kids Treats

dollar store snack containers as Leprechaun hats

Looking for an easy and economical St. Patrick's Day treat?!

You've reached the easiest Saint Patrick's Day treat to give to your kids or bring to their school to share with teachers and classmates.

Really, it's so EASY!

No painting is involved. 😛

snack containers dressed up as hats for St. Patrick's day

I used these Snack Containers found at the Dollar Tree Store. 

Two containers for one dollar, and they even come with a spoon. 

They have them in many colors, but of course, green is the one that works here. ;)
paper, glue and green plastic snack container are the materials used for hats

You'll also need paper (black, gold, and green), glue, and a small piece of tape.

gold decorative paper with black to create belt for hat

The band is created with a long strip of black paper to fit the top rim of the container.

A small gold rectangle with an even smaller black one is attached to the band.

Green paper circles were also cut out to fit the container's base or the hat's top.

bands and tops of Leprechaun hats

I know, I know!

Who wants to do all that work. 😫  

You can download the printables HERE

That way, you'll only need to cut them out and secure them with tape.

Lucky charms inside Leprechaun hat for kid's school treats

Oh, and remember to fill them up!

Lucky Charms would be an excellent option for little kids.

Green plastic containers are used as leprechaun hats

lucky charms inside snack cup as hat for St. Patrick's day

Older kids and grown-ups might love to have some candy.


For more DIY - St. Patrick's Day ideas, check these out:


  1. SO cute!!! Being Irish I LOVE St.Patrick's Day! I always try to do something special for the kids on that day.
    The kids would LOVE making that wreath. What a great idea. xo Diana

  2. OMG! Absolutely adorable and so adorable Cristina! Thank you!

  3. Hi, Cristin

    What fun projects. I love the hats and the bottles. You are sure ready for St. Patrick's day.

    1. Cristina, sorry I misspelled ypur name. I didn't catch it till after I hit published.

    2. Cristina, sorry I misspelled ypur name. I didn't catch it till after I hit published.

  4. Hola Cristina ! Yo siempre estoy realizando cumpleaños de alguno de mis niños ! Me gusto mucho esa idea de ese recipiente para dulces

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