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Decorating with Old Windows

Thirteen years ago, we bought the two pieces of art that you see in the picture below. At the time, we fell in love with those chunky gold frames and the colorful art. They have been there, on the same wall in our living room, ever since we bought them.

Ha, it's time to change that.

Time passed, and my taste changed.  

I didn't like those gold frames as much as I once did.  

I wanted to take them down, but my husband was still a big fan. The hefty price tag we paid made removing them from the wall even harder for him.

Finally, this year, he agreed to let them go. I began looking for options but couldn't find something within my budget that I liked until I saw these windows on Craiglist.

The price was perfect: 10 bucks per window (each window consists of two panels).  When we went to pick up our two windows (four panels), the guy gave us one extra window  :D  

Yeah, happy dance here.

After painting them rather sloppy (it's hard to keep a steady hand while painting those narrow lines!), the brownish color was removed, and the hardware was installed to hang them on the wall.

Just hung on the wall, I liked them :)

That was when I began thinking about what to display on them.

I had nothing! :-{

The couple of collections I had were either too colorful or not that interesting, and they definitely did not have the 24 images I needed.

Paper was the solution—gift wrap, to be exact! I found this one a long time ago in the dollar section at Target.

The paper works for now.  It only covered 12 of the panes and that's OK.

Remember those big old lamps? They found their proper space.

The three-dollar pillow covers I found a couple of weeks ago came in handy right here.

Some fresh flowers from the garden and ...

The satisfaction of seeing a project that looks nice is changeable, and it costs not $1K but only $15!

Have you decorated with old windows? What have you displayed on them? 

I'm still looking for where to hang the two extra panels we got.

Thanks for stopping by!

UPDATE: Check some other treatments I've given to these windows:


  1. what are you going to do with the old art? I think the frames still have a lot of potential, just that the art + frames together was a bit much. Love the new look - it's very contemporary

  2. Love the difference the windows made. We have 32 stored under the house from our house when we replace many windows. Hopefully my greenhouse/shed will be started some day and they will be used.

  3. I love the look of the windows hung behind your sofa. They even look good without anything on the panes. Makes your room look so light and fresh. Great idea!!
    Mary Alice

  4. I have a "window" over our bedroom fireplace. I like how you used the paper

  5. oh what a clever way of using those windows♥

    i love how it turned out cristina!

  6. LOVE this look, and actually I thought the paper was textured glass. It's fun that you can change them out as you'd like. I have bird prints, and botanicals, but you could opt for so many designs.

  7. Love them, i really like the pop of blue.

  8. Me encanto como se ve tu living con esas viejas ventanas, muy buena idea la de ponerle papel de regalo , eres realmente muy creativa !!!

  9. I like the change, the living room looks fresh, sobre todo con esos colores aqua que aggregate.


  10. Cristina, me parece fantástico este trabajo, cuantas buenas ideas encuentro en tu blog cada vez que lo visito!! me encanta ver que todos reutilizamos y reciclamos, y mas cuando se ve tan lindo, como el trabajo de este post. Tengo una vieja ventana, que repuse en casa, para reciclar... ya tengo una idea de la nueva utilidad que quiero darle, cuanto disponga de tiempo, me pongo a trabajar también!

  11. Cristina I'm a fan, I have a stack of 10 old crusty windows in my basement waiting but I did do one project with fabric here:
    Love your new look, those old gold beauties will find a new home somewhere!

  12. Wow! From $1000 to $40?!!!! You are fabulous Cristina! Love it, looks like you've got an extra big window! Love it!

  13. I love this idea! Thanks so much for sharing!
    House on the Way

  14. It looks awesome! I like how you only put the paper on some of the panes and not all of them. Such a nice touch! I have to admit I like the windows better than the expensive frames :)

  15. Gorgeous, I have to admit that it must have been difficult to make the decision of removing the frames you had before but the windows they look beautiful there, I love what you chose to display them with: gift wrap! :-) very good idea, I really love everything! great work Cristina :-)

  16. Those are adorable! I love all the blue accents in the room. It looks reall nice.

  17. You really have a knack for decorating Cristina. Looks fantastic!

  18. They look so beautiful!! You are so talented at everything, and I LOVE how you added the paper. So simple, yet perfect!

  19. Beautiful! I can't get over how crafty you are. Looks amazing!

  20. Beautiful, Christina! I'm inspired to start searching Craig's list for my very own old windows!

    :) Linda

  21. The windows are a nice change, Christina! The turquoise accents are also nice. I hope you'll drop by to see DD2 MBR Redo (#3 at Met Monday).


  22. I'm a nut for old windows -- I have two like that hung in my living room displaying family pictures. Great idea to add the paper to some of the panes -- really makes these stand out.

  23. THey look absolutely gorgeous on your wall - what a beautiful idea.
    AND those frames would be gorgeous chalkboards ( expensive ones I know lol but still )

  24. Genius and so pretty! Love the paper behind the panes! Would love it if you would link this up to Give Me The Goods Monday: 1 Party, 4 Blogs!

  25. Love the fresh modern look! I'm a fan of spending less and being able to change it out often! :)

  26. I love this project! I would love to track down some old windows soon! I would love it if you would come and link this up at my link party I'm also pinning this :)

  27. They look great. My kitchen island is made from two old windows. We have tons of old windows from our very old house.

  28. Just gorgeous! What an update!!!It looks like a a magazine spread! Thanks for sharing your designer windows at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS.

  29. Love what you did with the old windows.

    On 3 different occasions PB (pre blogging) I was offered old windows and we tossed 2 old doors found in our garage when we moved to our little cottage.

    Oh, to go back and get those windows and doors.

  30. I love the window art. I just bought a house with a huge front window that I will replace with a energy efficeint one. The 90 year old man that sold me the house told me severl times with great pride that he built the window, so I knew I needed to honor him in some way with it and had planned to keep it until I came up with something new to do with it. Now I have the insperation! Thanks

  31. I love the window art. I just bought a house with a huge front window that I will replace with a energy efficeint one. The 90 year old man that sold me the house told me severl times with great pride that he built the window, so I knew I needed to honor him in some way with it and had planned to keep it until I came up with something new to do with it. Now I have the insperation! Thanks

  32. I like the paper...that was a great price for those windows!! I just bought one at an antique fair for $20. I also recently acquired a pair of French doors with glass like this for free. I was thinking of using one as a "barn door" type sliding door to separate my master bath/closet from my master bedroom. The paper is a great idea, I was also throwing around the idea for etching the glass with a chevron pattern. Thanks for the inspiration!! I would love if you come share at my first linky party ever...Weekend Beautiful :-).

  33. What a brilliant idea and at a great price point too! Very creative and sheek :)

    I found your link on That DIY Party! Feel free to check out my Burlap Inspired Chair # 65.

    thanks and have a wonderful Sunday,

  34. I've been looking for windows to do this with!

  35. How fun and clever is this. I love it. YOu are so creative. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  36. I have used old windows as wall art! I decoupaged flower prints on to the center of each pane of a three paned window and hung it with a rustic twine. It was a great focal point in my living room for many years. Your windows look beautiful!

  37. BEAUTIFUL! I'm loving the price tag too! ;)

  38. Those windows were quite the steal. And the wall looks fantastic. Hope you have a great day.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  39. Love this! SOmething I would love to do but probably be to scared to try. It goes with your room so much better then the art work. If you get a chance, please link up to my linky party:

  40. They look GREAT, so charming with the added paper! I have two old windows, one in the garage and one over the mantle in the den.
    Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday!

  41. Your old windows have inspired me! You could do something fun in front of the windows like create a cute garland or hang wreath(s).

    Love it!!

  42. Love the change!!
    Can you PLEASE come help me decorate my house! Seriously you've got some talent!!

    Thanks so much for linking up!

  43. I LOVE what you have done with the windows! I have several that I wanted to work on but I am concerned about hanging them securely cos they are soooo heavy. Can you give me any recommendations how I can hang them from the wall or ceiling. Thank you!

  44. Did you cut the crows from felt or foam board? I have made bats in the past but never thought of cutting crows too. Would love a pattern.

    1. Hi Rebecca, I found those crows your're talking about at Michaels. They usually have them around Halloween.

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